The Seabox module enhances oil recovery by enabling improved reservoir sweep efficiency.

An integrated subsea solution
The Seabox™ subsea water treatment module and SWIT™ technology are subsea technologies developed during the past 16 years with support and sponsorship from major oil companies. Together they enable treatment of raw seawater directly on the seabed to the desired quality for injection into oil wells for pressure support, improved sweep efficiency, and increased oil recovery. Development began in 2003 with a series of joint industry projects (JIPs) backed by the Norwegian Research Council and major oil companies. Through these projects, the Seabox module and SWIT technology have been developed and are now ready for real applications.
Subsea Production Systems is uniquely placed to work directly with oil companies, subsea contractors, engineering houses, and industry suppliers to provide the highest level of added value to your overall project, ensuring the optimum constellation for our clients in any given project.