Pipe Handling Systems
As the industry’s leading provider of horizontal and vertical pipe-handling and racking systems, we deliver turnkey solutions and upgrades for traditional, mechanized, and fully automated drill floors.
We are evolving pipe-handling systems every step of the way. From drill pipe and drill collars to bottomhole assembly (BHA), casing, and marine risers, our pipe-handling tools and systems can manipulate and connect any type of tubular on land or offshore.
Land rig applications
For the land rig market, we provide horizontal and vertical pipe handling with our series of PipeCat catwalk machines and the stand transfer vehicle (STV). Catwalk machines are designed to deliver tubulars to the drill floor, and the STV racks tubulars between the fingerboard area and well center. Both tools are designed to remove people from dangerous areas and provide remote control of the operation.
Offshore vertical pipe-handling equipment
Parallel-column pipe-racking systems represent the next generation of automated pipe-racking systems. These machines provide the most flexible pipe racking configurations and capacities in the industry and can be integrated into new builds or retrofitted to existing rigs in applications ranging from large jackups to deepwater drillships and semi-submersibles.
Offshore horizontal pipe-handling equipment
Our family of pipe-handling systems consists of several options, varying from simple belt conveyors to semiautomatic pipe-handling cranes. We offer the safest and most efficient means for pipe and riser handling on static or dynamic drilling rigs. We also design and manufacture customized pipe-handling systems based on clients' needs and requirements.
Offshore horizontal-to-vertical pipe-handling equipment
Our horizontal-to-vertical (HTV) machines are designed to deliver singles from the catwalk position to the vertical position above a mousehole for stand-building operations. Once a stand is built, the vertical pipe racker on the drill floor unloads the stands and either takes them directly to the well center or stores them in the pipe-racking board fingers.
Offshore pipe-handling cranes
The main function of the pipe-handling crane is to transport tubulars between the pipe deck and the catwalk using a purpose-built pipe gripper yoke. The crane may also be used for other lift operations such as moving bulk equipment and containers, either by using slings from the pipe-gripper yoke or attaching the optional chain sling with a hook to the boom tip.
Stand Transfer Vehicle (STV) Brochure
Stand Transfer Vehicle (STV) and PipeCat Spec Sheet
PipeCat FX Flyer
Peck-o-Matic Bucking Units Flyer
Catwalk Machines – Tubulars and Riser Spec Sheet
Catwalk Machines – Tubulars Spec Sheet
HTV VDM PLS-5 PLS-7 Spec SheetTechnical Specifications for Horizontal-To-Vertical Pipe Handling
Mousehole Hoist MHH-3 Spec Sheet
Parallel Racking Pipe Handling Spec Sheet
Pipe Handling Cranes Spec Sheet
UHT 1200 and Drill Floor Manipulator Arms DFMA Spec SheetTechnical Specifications for Robotic Arms
Service and Access Baskets Spec Sheet
Stabber Arms Spec Sheet
X-Y Racking Pipe Handling Spec Sheet
Onshore Product Reference GuideA technical look at our onshore rig equipment product portfolio
Offshore Product Reference GuideA technical look at our offshore rig equipment product portfolio
Pipe Handling for Land Rigs
We’ve tailored our pipe-handling solutions on land to be flexible and easy to learn, giving your crew the uptime and reliability they need while removing people from the drill floor and fingerboards.

Remove personnel from the fingerboard

Remote operation available

Large tubular range

Better communication

Intuitive controls
Offshore Pipe Handling
Widely recognized as the leader in automated pipe-handling solutions, we are at the leading edge of product development and technology deployment for offshore drilling rigs. We also provide a variety of pipe-handling upgrades that can help bring your rig back into the conversation in today’s competitive market.

Catwalk machines

Gripper arms

Rig upgrades

Personnel baskets

Hydraracker IV

HTV machines

Column rackers

Robotic drill-floor arms
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Casing Running Systems and Tools
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Drilling Control Systems and Rig Automation
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Drilling Drawworks and Hoisting Systems
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